Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Run Abbott Run

Generally you try and make something like this not look as craven as it is, if you want it to work.

This reminds me of primary school kids running away to avoid lunch with the smelly kid.

I mean, you could make it look more principled, but you'd probably want to avoid running with your arms flailing, pushing people out of the way to leave the House of Reps just so you can discard a vote for a motion from one of your own members.


Also, ALSO, I have some instructional illustrations at Geordie Guy's fantastic site (or "Grazing Giraffes on Parliament Lawns") that highlights the idiocy of net censorship. Do check it out. It's good people.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I felt pretty sick watching my tweet stream today as Thomson gave his speech.
Every now and then the cut and thrust and the incessant negativity gets to me. If anything, this whole affair says a lot of horrible things about everyone involved. HSU, Kathy Jackson, the Opposition, the Government, the commentators looking for an easy narrative in the morass, us all looking on looking for the cheap laugh to continue…

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The bills are coming in

Though I have no sympathy for Brooks, it must be odd to sit there knowing that as each day passes more and more evidence is coming down that damns you. And every bit of it is broadcast internationally, given in front of a tv crew and the cross-examination is coming from the very people you've tarred and feathered in YOUR papers (and not always without merit)...

I can just imagine sitting by the window in your house, knowing the knock will come at the door, and it's definitely going to come - the only question is when, and how much information will be on the table, before the knock comes.

The knock just came.

Poll to poll

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I'm not usually a fan of Chris Uhlmann, but this interview with Hockey is probably the most decisive put-down of the "look we don't have a plan, but it's going to be THE BEST" technique Hockey and Abbott seem to favour at the moment. 

Funnily enough, I think the last time I drew Hockey was back in late 2010, and it was on pretty much exactly the same technique back then.